Photo Organizing: 5 Steps to Success (Instead of Swearing)
I have 618,834 photos on my phone. Or something. It may be more or less. I'm too afraid to look. And I think there are some in the cloud....
the pajama lounge - it's a real thing
Have you heard about Pajama Lounges? Apparently they are old news in Italy. Italy gets all the good stuff...pasta and the Pope and shoes....
wallpaper in three easy steps!
Wallpaper has become a bit of obsession in the design world and I fully admit my addiction. The reason wallpaper is so popular is because...
the top twelve best modern dining chairs and why we may never sit down ever again
know that saying “The cobbler’s children have no shoes” or, “Stephanie Blackford needs a room at the mental hospital?” Well. Drew Allman...
finding great art on the cheap: it’s as easy as (pizza) pie
I grew up with parents who appreciated art. And impeccable manners. And Cheez-Its. Not in that order because anyone with an ounce of...
how to update a space in a weekend: fruit snacks and champagne required
Ever seen those models that appear to be wearing nothing but chapstick? It actually takes hours to make them look that way. Or so I’ve...
a little ditty about mellencamp and his mansion and me
When you turn ten years old at the Blackford house you get to take a trip anywhere in the continental United States with just Andy...
going green
I know there are design experts out there who claim neutral furniture is paramount in building good design. And it's true. For some...
blue skies smiling at me
It's always surprising when people balk at paint colors. It's paint. Not a tattoo. Or a puppy. If you change your mind about paint ...
call me yoko ono
Imagine there’s no heaven no earth or sky below.... sang John and his wife walked in and stood by the piano and listened. It was as...