Some people watch television or do yoga or read to the blind. I don't really have time for that because I spend a large chunk of my evenings drinking wine and paging through piles of design magazines. It's my job. I have explained this several times to Andy Blackford. I mean, I'm working here.
What I've found in all of my extremely technical research, besides a very decent Pinot Noir for under twelve bucks, is that monochromatic interiors layered with lots of texture are still very much on-trend. Nubby rugs and soft leather benches surrounded by plants in gorgeous plaster pots continue to appear on Instagram feeds and design blogs.

And while I am not about to give up the color that makes me happy, I found myself drawn to those plaster pots. They were so simple and so pretty. I started to hate my current pots. And once those ugly pots caught my eye I couldn't unsee them and they had to go. I felt like a lion ready to attack my ugly-pots prey. This could have been the wine talking, but still. I decided, then and there, that I had kill off the ugly pots in order to make room for the new pretty pots. It's the circle of life.
Me looking at the pots

The pots looking at me

So, I searched you tube for DIY plaster pots and hatched a plan that involved several pieces of newspaper, three paint samples from my many client color consults, two containers of leftover baking soda from the slime craze of 2019 and one 10 year-old girl.
The process is simple. Choose a bunch of random pieces you used to love and now don't, dump some paint into a plastic cup, add enough baking soda to make a concoction that looks like cement mixed with baby vomit and smear it all over your pots.
Georgia in on the scheme

My mixture
I added more baking soda because
according to one of the Catholic-school nuns
I talk in class and don't follow directions

Voila. Pretty pieces that are just as good as the ones in the magazines... if you don't look too closely.
This plant is unlikely to make it based on my poor watering skills (see: nun feedback)

I am not a crafty girl - but I am creative and I am fast and those two things together can create magic or mayhem. Either way, it will be one-of-a-kind and that counts for something.
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